Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cristo del Concordia day!!!

This morning at around 11:30 I set out with 2 others to conquer the steps up to Christ. I am not sure how many steps there were, but it was a rude awakening to how out of shape I am!!! I was whining and complaining the whole time, but once we arrived back home I was really glad that we made the trek instead of taking the easier way up. Once we got to the statue itself, we were able to see all of Cochabamba and it´s surrounding areas. It was just beautiful. Also able to walk inside Christ himself, up to his arms. Those stairs were the narrowest, most awkward steep stairs I have ever experienced. Needless to say, we took the teleferico´s down (ski lifts), which was much more enjoyable than the trek up. We had a nice walk back through some pretty parks and plazas that I have not seen before.

I will finally admit that I really should have been eating fruits and veggies all these years you wise ones have told me to. My stomach just cannot feel good. I can´t get rid of the aches and pains and it´s super annoying!!!

Back to work tomorrow. I have decided not to eat lunch anymore at work because I always seem to feel sick after, as did the guy that worked there before me. We´ll see if that makes a difference! Sure wish I could post pics of my beautiful day but the computer is slow, and my camera died so I will have to get them from my housemate and upload onto FB.

I miss you, my family and friends!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kimmie ~ Hope you are feeling better. Your hike sounds wonderful.

So I mailed off your care package but I am very frustrated. So when I got to the post office I discovered that Bolivia will not accept Flat Rate Boxes or any package over 4 pounds. Well I am the master of care packages so my box was twice that heavy. Long story short I had to take out half of the contents (including 2 packages of Mike & Ike's because they are heavy) and unfortunately lots of snacks for you too. Also instead of paying the $12 (flat box rate) my under 4 pound box cost me over $30. I wasn't as upset about the cost as I was all the things I wanted your kids to enjoy. I have sent packages before all over Europe and Iraq and Afghanistan and had no problem but for some reason Bolivia does not play by the same rules. Sooooo, I'm really sorry but your half empty care package is on it's way!! :( I really, really wish I could have included everything including all the boxes of Mike & Ike's!! Take care. Love Ya, Diane

kim said...

you are so cute, diane! sorry it was so expensive. the kids will really appreciate it!!!

kim said...

you are so cute, diane! sorry it was so expensive. the kids will really appreciate it!!!