Sunday, July 4, 2010


Happy 4th of July! God bless the USA!

Things I miss about the good old US of A at this moment:
-fireworks stands on every corner
-family, friends, and doggies
-in n out dbl dbl extra cheese
-nonfat white mochas w/ whip
-an open breakfast joint on a sunday morning
-Pastor Dave's message

On a different note, I have had a great last couple of days. I have to say that my friend from college,Erik, who founded Sustainable Bolivia, is my hero for the weekend. He was able to make a call to someone who owned a pharmacy and then took me to pick up a prescription that is very similar to the one I take normally for my migraines. Now that he came with me, she told me I could come back on my own to get more (they didn't have many at the time) whenever I needed them. Thank you, Erik, I literally wouldn't have made it without you!!!
And, bonus, all my stomach and viral issues are GONE(knock on wood). Things are really looking up in that department!

Yesterday, 2 people from my house and I went on a guided tour of Incan ruins. There were 4 others on the tour, from the Netherlands and Finland. It was a great, but tiring day. The name of the place was Incallajta and I got some awesome pictures, but of course can't upload them!! In addition to the ruins, we saw a beautiful waterfall, some rivers, and various different animals. All of the sheep and cows on the way from Cochabamba were painted pink and some of the cows even had earrings on. It was hilarious. The guide explained that they just celebrated a day to honor their animals, and therefore "dressed them up." I am sure the animals loved it....On the way home, we went to a traditional indigenous village, which was tiny, centered around a beautiful plaza. We were supposed to go into a museum but it was closed. So, the tour guide backtracked and took us to another village, an old colonial village where he said 12 families lived. It looked like a ghost town-it was really crazy. We saw indigenous women and their kids washing their clothes in the river, and I of course fell in love with a stray dog (that I gave all my snacks to). On the drive there and home, we passed these hills where the clouds just engulfed them. It was amazing and beautiful at the same time. I also got some pictures of these humongous clouds that seemed to swallow up that part of the earth, but yet again, can't post them! After we got back into Cocha, we ate dinner and had drinks at a cafe called Copacabana. I really enjoyed my meal and the ambience!

Today is the 4th and since there are a handful of Americans between the houses, we are going to celebrate with hotdogs, hamburgers, fireworks, and adult refreshments! Hopefully our friends and housemates from all over the world will come as well!!!

Since I have this whole next week off, I am leaving Tuesday with 3 others to go to Salar de Uyuni (salt flats) and take a 4 day jeep tour. Between traveling time, etc., we won't be back until the following Monday so I won't have any mode of communication. I am really looking forward to seeing all that the tour has to offer: lagoons, hot springs, flamingos, all sortss of other animals, and of course the salt flats. We are even staying in a salt hotel! But, because it is located on the altiplano I am going to freeze my putska off...that part I am not looking forward to. It will be below freezing and I am guessing the salt hotel won't be very warm...

Well, the person that owns this laptop needs to use it so time for me to sign off.
Enjoy this Independence Day!
Love you MAMA!



The Meditz Family said...

your upcoming trip sounds great - enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis... First off and most importantly, when you sign off, you always say, "love you MAMA"... what about your dear old sister???

Now that I have that issue off my chest...or "squared away" as dad would always say, just want you to know that we're all really enjoying your journaling (aka blogging) and following your adventures. I was very unsure about this crazy plan of yours, but it sure seems as though it was the perfect thing for you. So...keep up the good work and I will continue to live viacariously through your writings. Stay safe and BUG FREE! Love you very much....Sis